XII 2.2 Indian Weavers Ice Breakers and Brainstorming activities
Prepared by Mrs Premjit Sunil Gatigante
Shriniwas Bagarka Junior College, Andheri East,Mumbai
- 400 059
The title ‘Indian Weavers’ focuses over Indian artisans particularly weavers. The adjective ‘Indian’ is used with a definite purpose appreciating the work of Indian Weavers. As the weavers intertwine the fabrics, the poetess aims to interlace a message through the poem.
New words:
1) Weaving – interlacing threads to produce fabrics or cloth
2) Break of day – morning, dawn, sunrise
3) Halcyon – Asian/African kingfisher bird
4) Wild – untamed, free
5) Robe – dress, clothe, frock, dressing gown, housecoat
6) Plumes – feathers of bird, quills
7) Marriage-veils – bridal veils, wedding veils ( Hindi – Chunari ), bridal gown, specially to cover face
8) Solemn – serious, sober
9) Still – rest, stable, silent
10) Chill – extreme cool
11) Funeral – burial, cremation, last rites
12) Shroud – white cloth for dead body
13) Fall of night- late evening
14) Bright garments- brightly (shining) colored garments
15) Solemn and still- sacred, serious, quiet
16) Moonlight chill- cold dead night
17) Gay - with happiness or with fun
Textbook solved activities
Now complete the web given below:
Model maker
Discuss with your PARTNER the SEASONS/OCCASIONS when we need :
(A) woollen clothes - winter season
(B) CASUAL clothes – daily wear
© rich silk clothes – festivals / marriage party
(D) colourful, COMFORTABLE clothes - festivals / marriages /party wears
Let’s PLAY A GAME. The TEACHER will ASK the students some questions. Students will UNDERSTAND THAT there ARe some exceptions to the GENERAL rules. Let’s START.
- One who WEAVES is - A WEAVER.
- One who sings is A SINGER
- One who DANCES is A DANCER
- One who TEACHEs is A TEACHER
- One who cooks is A COOK/CHEF
We HAVE often seen the picture of GANDHIJI spinning on his charkha. Discuss the rEASONS behind this. One HAS been given for you.
(a) To give RURAL people an opportunity to EARN their livelihood.
(b) It shows the dignity of labour
(c) It represent Swadesh, self sufficiency and at the same time interdependence
(d) To felicitate finding constructive activities that would unite and represent our India
NAME some tools used by the WEAVERS. AND REPRESENT
(A) Loom
(b) Shed stick
(c) Needle
(d) Weaving comb
(e) Scissors
(f) Warp yarn
(g) Dowels
NAME some types of YARNS used by the WEAVERS.
(A) Linen
(b) Cotton
(c) Silk
(d) Wool
(e) Polyester
Textbook solved activities
Brain storming
WEAVING :- The word 'weaving' is related to textile. In ancient time handloom weavers work from home and sometime in well lit rooms. The women of the house would spin the thread they needed and attended to finishing . But nowadays most of the looms are powered. The Weavers have security of their life. They have fixed working hours except in the times of hardship. Solapur, Sangli, Banaras and Surat are the famous cities for weaving business.
Tailoring:- The word tailoring means the skill or craftsmanship of a tailor. Tailoring is an art of designing cutting , fitting and finishing dots. Tailors are the structural engineers for fashions. Tailors show their art through stitching different kinds of clothing like trousers, fancy waistcoats, and sports clothing. Most of the men and women are working in this field. In India, most of the workers are making clothes in their homes. It is one of the famous domestic businesses.
Knitting:- Knitting is a method by which yarn is manipulated to create a textile or fabric. Knitting may be done by hand or machine. It is a technique for producing a fabric. Hand knitting is a leisure activities. Studies have found that rhythmic and repetitive action of hand knitting can help prevent and manage stress, depression and pain. Woolen sweaters ,scarfs ,caps,hand gloves are the of examples of knitting articles. Most of the people in the North Eastern part are indulged in this business. It's also one of the famous domestic works of women.
Embroidering :- Embroidery is the craft of decorating fabric or other materials using a needle to apply yarn. In modern days, embroidery is usually seen on caps, hats, coats, blankets, dress shirts, denim, dresses, stockings, and golf shirts. Embroidery is available with a wide variety of thread or yarn color. Elaborate embroidering clothing religious objects and household items often were seen as a mark of wealth and status. It is also one of the famous domestic businesses in India.
(A2) (i) Discuss the VARIOUS products MADE by the WEAVERS in the poem.
Ans :- dresses or robes for a new-born child
The marriage veils of a queen and
A dead man's funeral shroud
(ii) The words in the three STANZAS of the poem mention different times of A DAY. Complete the TABLE.
EARLY morning BREAK of DAY WEAVERS WEAVE robes for the new-born child
LATE in the evening Fall of night Weavers weave marriage
- veils of a queen
Cold night Moonlight chill Weavers weave a dead's
man funeral shroud
(v)Pick out two words used to describe the WEAVERS in the LAST STANZA. Also STATE their IMPORTANCE.
Ans:- The words used to described the Weavers in the last stanza are Solomon and still. They indicate their seriousness and calm attitude, the old age, the feeling of loss energy, uselessness and the last approaching death.
(vi) Express your views ABOUT the present condition of WEAVERS.
Ans:- The present condition of the weavers are
1.Due to the development in technology, most of the looms or handlooms are closed and weavers are turning into new jobs.
2. Power looms are advanced then handlooms so most of the handlooms and workers are outdated
3. The schemes like pension scheme, long-term benefit schemes, health benefit schemes are no longer available for loom workers.
4. They don't have good social and economic status.
(vii)Describe in your own words the steps or MEASURes THAT CAN be TAKEN to solve the problems of the WEAVERS.
Ans:- Steps or measures that can be taken to solve the problems of the Weavers :-
1. To provide a good financial. package.
2. To provide a low interest
3. To maintain good infrastructure .
4. To help in marketing support and services.
5. Design and technology up-gradation.
6. To provide welfare schemes for worker.
7. To provide a continuous electricity.
8. To provide insurance scheme for workers .
9. Government can provide raw materials at subsidized cost and help with marketing and sales.
(viii)Express your own views AND opinions from the WEAVERS’ point of view AND complete the following TABLE.
STANZA Activity (done by
WEAVERS) Views/Opinion
First STANZA Robes for A new-born child The WEAVERS feel happy and hopeful BECAUSE childhood is free of burdens of life
Second STANZA Weaves the marriage -veils of a queen .The weavers feel energetic/ love because adulthood is full of energy
Third STANZA Weaves a dead man’s funeral shroud
The weavers feel serious calm and sorrow because approaching death in old age
(A3) (i)Pick out the rhyming words from the poem.
1st stanza - day -gay, wild – child
2nd stanza – night - bright ,green queen
3rd stanza – still – chill, cloud - shroud
(ii) Give ANTONYMS AND synonyms of the following AND MAKE sentences of your own.
Word Antonym Sentence Synonym Sentence
new Old Old is gold. Recent / current I met three recent friends at the wedding
bright Dark It was very dark in that room Radiant/luminous I saw radiant light in her eyes
DEAD Alive / living
He is living here since 5 years Expired /gone Expired medicines are dangerous for our health
still Loud / sounded There was a loud noise Calm/ quite Calm down before you hurt somebody
wild Civilized/ pet Most of the city people are civilized Untamed / ferocious The untamed up came out of the pool
FALL Get up / rise Early to bed, early to rise Drop/ descend Drop your guns
child Adult / grow up This is an adult movie Kid/youngs ter She is a kid
(III) MAKE A WORD register for CLOTHES/ATTIRe/dress.
Outfit Outfit
CASUAL Sportswear
(A4) (i)Complete the following TABLE.
Figure of Speech Line
Simile Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild
Like the plumes of a peacock purple and green
IMAGERY Weavers, weaving at break of day
METAPHOR Weavers weaving at break of day
ALLITERATION Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild
Ans: - First stanza rhyme scheme aabb
Second stanza rhyme scheme aabb
Third stanza rhyme scheme aabb
(ii) Write AN APPRECIATION of the poem
(iii) Compose four lines on 'IMPORTANCE of clothes.'
Ans :- Clothing brings confidence,
It protect, cover, make us feel comfortable,
And reflects the personality of a person,
It helps to survive the harsh weather conditions.
Online Test Set by: Prof. Mrs. Premjit Sunil Gatigante,
Shriniwas Bagarka Junior College, Andheri East, Mumbai**Click on the link and solve the online test based*
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